The Alchemy of Love: Transmuting Fictions to Remember Our Roots

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Rafael Horvat
Rafael Horvat

There are moments in life when we feel lost, wandering through a maze of experiences and emotions without understanding their purpose. This search for meaning can sometimes feel overwhelming, as if we’re chasing something just out of reach. But what if the answer has always been here? What if the truth we’ve been searching for has been right in front of us all along, waiting for us to see it?

This journey is about reconnecting with our roots—rediscovering the Truth that has always been at the core of our Being. It’s about remembering that everything in our lives, all our experiences, are rooted in a single, pure intention: Love.

The First Movement

In the beginning, there was only consciousness—no form, no separation—just endless, pure potential. Then, the first movement occurred. From this infinite consciousness, condensed into a single dot, the Dot (you) expanded into a circle. This act of creation wasn’t random; it was driven by one clear, intentional force: Love. There is no other option. This truth is not meant to be understood intellectually—it is to be felt, deep in your core, your Heart.

This dot represents the purest form of creation, and it is also what we are at our core—a single, complete entity connected to everything. Before anything else existed, before we could experience fear, joy, or separation, there was only Love. It is where all the roots of our reality and existence stem from. Every aspect of our existence, no matter how complex or confusing it seems, flows from this first movement of Love, expanding from the original Dot.

Yet, as life unfolds, we tend to forget our roots. We get lost in the stories we create, in the mental constructs that make us feel separate from this original source of Love. These constructs pull us away from the Truth, making us feel disconnected from the very force that created us.

We Are All Writers

As humans, we are constantly writing stories—fictions about who we are, what we deserve, and what is possible for us. These fictions manifest as thoughts of unworthiness, feelings of inadequacy, or beliefs that we are somehow separate from the Love that created us. This includes the belief that we are incapable of loving others deeply or sustaining meaningful connections.

Imagine you believe you’re not good enough, and this story causes you to overwork, seek external validation, or avoid situations where failure seems likely. Or perhaps you fear you can’t maintain love, and this story causes you to hold back, doubting your capacity for deep connection. To uphold this fiction takes a tremendous amount of energy. You have to fuel it, reinforce it, and experience its effects in your reality. Why does it take so much energy? Because you need to experience your fiction to believe in it. It’s as if an entire ethereal realm is working behind the scenes to make sure your story becomes your reality, respecting your free will while keeping the illusion alive. It’s a ridiculous amount of energy for something that isn’t even true.

The mental story we tell about what we are seeing sounds valid to us because we can't see what is really happening at the inner, causal level.

~ Michael Brown, The Presence Process.

This is the radical Truth: the fiction is not real, but the energy you use to maintain it is. You are pouring your creative energy into sustaining a story that was never true to begin with, and it drains you—first mentally, then emotionally, and finally physically. This is where illness can arise.

We are often blinded by the stories we tell ourselves, believing in them so deeply that we hide the truth from ourselves. And here’s that hidden truth: you’ve already done it. You’ve already expressed love, already nourished the connections you fear you cannot hold or create. The bonds and love are not waiting to be created—they’re already alive, thriving, and meaningful. Just as you’ve feared failure or separation, you’ve also quietly, almost invisibly, succeeded in connecting. The people you’ve touched have already felt your love. It’s the fiction of inadequacy that keeps you from seeing it.

By realizing the Truth—that Love is always the ink with which we write—we dismantle these false (and limiting!) beliefs and free ourselves from the exhausting energy of maintaining fictions that are not aligned with who we truly are.

A Radical Embodiment of Trust

At the deepest level, we are not merely participants in reality—we are both its creator and its witness. We chose the original intention, the force of Love that initiates the First Movement. This intention is like light projected onto the Void, a blank canvas ready to reflect whatever is cast upon it. In this simultaneous act of creation, we hold the pen of intention, channeling pure Love, and write reality into existence. The Light we project becomes the intricate, vivid tapestry of our experience—each moment, each sensation, a reflection of that first intention. As we awaken and open our eyes, we embody a deeper truth: we are not mere passive witnesses of our lives. We are both fully immersed in the unfolding of each moment and simultaneously the creators of it. We write AND read the story of our existence in real time, shaping the timeline as it reveals itself before us. Simultaneously!

This is the profound paradox: we are both the Writer and the Reader. We write with Love as the ink, shaping the world around us, and then, through the lens of our true divine nature, we stand in absolute awe of the complexity, the beauty, and the wonder that emerges from such a simple intention. We are shattered and amazed by how this primal force, this single vibration of Love, becomes the intricate, multidimensional reality we inhabit. Every detail, every experience, is a manifestation of our own creative act. We are simultaneously the divine author and the astonished reader, experiencing the infinite possibilities of Love unfolding in ways we could have never imagined, yet always knew at our core.

Now here is where self-trust becomes essential. So often, we doubt our capacity to create or connect deeply, fearing we are inadequate or incapable of sustaining the love that flows through us. Even though consciousness may not know exactly how every detail will unfold, it knows one thing with absolute certainty: the ink is always Love. Trusting this allows complexity to emerge, for life to take forms and experiences that seem unpredictable to manifest. And no matter how intricate or uncertain the story becomes, it is always rooted in Love—and, crucially, we must trust that we are capable of holding and nourishing that Love. This deep self-trust reveals that, even in our moments of doubt, we have already made connections, already shared Love. The love and bonds we fear we cannot sustain or create, are already there, alive, and flowing through us.

This is the radical embodiment of trust: knowing that by setting the first intention of Love, everything that follows—no matter how complex or uncertain—will reflect that Love. And in trusting not only the process but ourselves, we realize that the connections we create are already nourished and thriving. As both creator and witness, we surrender to the process, trusting that the story unfolding before us is exactly as it should be—a perfect reflection of the Love we have always known. And the beauty of it all? This embodiment is a gift; it is effortless because it is inevitable.

You Hold the Pen

This brings us to a powerful paradox. Although the story of your life is already rooted in Love (as we realized earlier, with how the first intention is pure Love), you hold the pen used to write the story of your life. Every moment, you are free to write how that Love unfolds or to create fictions of failure, separation, and fear. Free will allows us to choose how our story is expressed—whether in alignment with Truth or trapped in the illusion of failure and separation.

This is the beauty of free will: while Love is the ink of creation, the pen is in our hands, and that pen can metaphorically be seen as our body—through which we express, create, and manifest. Recognizing this power frees us from the pressure of perfection and failure, allowing us to live from a place of flow, grounded in our true nature. How can we fail if the ink we write with is Love?

Be Shiva, Destroy without Apology

Once, there was a lion who lived among sheep. From birth, he believed he was just like them. Though he was larger and stronger, he grazed on grass and wandered the fields, unaware of his true strength. One day, a wise lion came across him and asked, “Why do you live like this? You are not a sheep—you are a lion, the king of the jungle.” The young lion was confused. “But I’ve always been like them,” he said. “I don’t know how to be anything else.”
The wise lion let out a thunderous roar, shaking the ground beneath them. “You have forgotten who you are,” he said. Inspired by the powerful sound, the young lion found his voice. He roared for the first time, and in that moment, remembered his power. From that day on, he walked with pride, knowing he was the king of the jungle. He had awakened to his true self, and eventually found a partner to share his life with.

In alchemy, transformation often requires destruction, and Shiva, the destroyer, embodies this force. Shiva’s destruction is not about chaos or loss, but about clearing away what no longer serves us, making space for something new.

We cling to outdated stories, fears, and beliefs long after they’ve stopped serving us. Shiva’s role is to sweep these away, to destroy the mental constructs that keep us from reconnecting with our true selves. And just like in the story of creation, this destruction is driven by Love. Shiva clears the path so we can return to our roots, allowing new growth to take place.

Once that space has been created, what comes after is not to be judged as good, bad, right, or wrong. Remember, even Shiva roots his initial intention in Love. So why judge what you create afterward? Why care about the outcome?

Reconnecting with Our Dolphins

As creation unfolds, duality emerges—the perception that we are separate from each other, that there is a “me” and a “them.” But this is where the dolphins come in. The dolphins are not just like-minded people; they are your reflections. They show you, in their own unique way, the parts of yourself that you may have forgotten or overlooked.

These people remind you of what Love looks like when you can’t see it for yourself. In their presence, you remember that the love you’ve always sought outside has always been within you. The dolphins—your family, lovers, friends, community—are mirrors reflecting that truth back to you.

For so long, you’ve seen the separation, the distance between yourself and others. You’ve doubted their love for you because, in some way, you doubted your own worth. When you reconnect with your dolphins, you begin to see how much they’ve always loved you, and through them, you see how much you’ve always loved yourself. When this happens, you’ve found your way back to your innermost roots, and you will never forget it. In that moment, you discover the key to your Heart: Trust.

You don’t have to swim with the sharks. Find your pod.

Alchemy in Action

As we already discussed, in the grand alchemy of life, Love is the Ink, and our body is the Pen. We are the creators of our reality, and each of us carries the power to manifest Love into form. This understanding has been integral to my journey with encralchimie.

My project, which focuses on tattooing with alchemical principles, draws from this Truth. The ink I use in my work is more than just a medium—it’s a representation of the Love that flows through all of us.

All art that I create is a symbolic act of transformation, a manifestation of this deeper connection between Love, the body, and the creative process. Through encralchimie, I aim to help others reconnect with their roots and express their unique story, knowing that we are all, at our essence, that single Dot of Creation.

We are all Alchemists of our own existence, and by holding the Pen with trust and alignment with our initial intention of Love, we transmute the fictions we created into the Gold of our true Essence.

The first word of the story has already been written, and it’s a story of Love.

Discover More

Cover Image for The Alchemy of Creation: We Are the Dot

The Alchemy of Creation: We Are the Dot

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Rafael Horvat
Rafael Horvat