The alchemy of Being: as above, so below

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Rafael Horvat
Rafael Horvat

In a rare and transformative moment, I experienced a profound mystical state of non-duality that unveiled the intricate mechanics of alchemical principles. This journey transcended mere exploration of the mind, delving deep into the core of my being. It illuminated a profound unity, subtly woven beneath the fabric of apparent separateness.

Dancing at the Edge of Consciousness

The journey begins in chaos. My consciousness drifts within an ethereal “in-between” world, tirelessly searching for a stable perspective, yet it remains elusive. Gradually, I transition into a realm where the boundaries between the “above” and “below” dissolve, merging into a singular, unified experience of existence. Here, I am profoundly present, both in the observable world and in the hidden depths of my subconscious. Surprisingly, within this chaos, there's an undercurrent of profound peace.

Every interaction, every moment, every perception unfolds as a reflection of my choices, deeply rooted in the most fundamental essence of existence: Love. This principle feels eternal, timeless – it has always been and will always be. This realization is not just a fleeting thought, but a visceral sensation, emanating from the core of my being and permeating my entire perception. The Universe, in its resplendent Light, reveals itself not just around me but also within, orchestrating an intricate dance of cosmic and personal harmony.

A Short Introduction to Alchemy

Often misconceived as a mere quest to turn metals into gold, alchemy actually delves into the transformative interplay between the individual and the natural world, bridging the realms of shadow and light, and intertwining the conscious with the unconscious. At its heart lies the Hermetic axiom, “as above, so below; as within, so without” echoing the profound interconnectedness between the universe (macrocosm) and the individual (microcosm).

In alchemical thought, the integration of the “below” with the “above” is essential. This process involves understanding the shadowed aspects of our being, transforming them into gateways for deeper self-love and integration. The Elements in alchemy—earth, air, fire, water—are symbols that resonate with our physical sensations: earth is hard, air is soft, fire is warm, and water is cold. They represent a bridge between tangible experiences and higher understanding.

Integrating the Elements

In my personal journey, the Elements of alchemy transcend symbolism, becoming direct, lived experiences. Each element expresses a distinct aspect of my existence, playing a vital role in the dance of life. Their dynamic interplay reveals the interconnectedness of existence, how our inner world echoes and molds our outer reality.

This exploration underscores a transformative truth: by altering our perspective, we can blend the external with the internal. It's about choosing how we define our identity. This elemental journey blurs the lines between the inner self and the external world, fostering a deeper connection with the cosmos and its harmonious rhythm.


This mystical experience of non-duality was a profound reminder of our responsibility in this interwoven tapestry of life. It was a journey of recognizing that every choice, every action, is an expression of love - the deepest foundation upon which existence rests. In embracing both the “above” and the “below”, I found not just peace and love, but a sense of wholeness that continues to guide me on my path. This, I believe, is the true essence of alchemy: a journey of transformation, love, and unity, where we discover that in embracing all parts of our being, we embrace the entirety of existence.

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