The alchemy of detachment and connection

Cover Image for The alchemy of detachment and connection
Rafael Horvat
Rafael Horvat

Writing slow today… but with precision. High on weed. Organic weed.

Being detached.

A bit like I would be detached in normal life from a movie on a screen.

The paradox of connection and detachment

Connection, in contrast to detachment, is real only in a non-dual “perspective” or “state”. Detachment, on the other hand, is only real in a dual experience. To detach means to love. To love means to detach. Yay! Strange-loops 🤪🫠🫥

The interdependence of dualities

The one cannot exist without the other. The other cannot exist without the one. Connection means: “to align on a common frequency”. Just as one aligns hand speed to a tattoo machine (compared to a pencil). Notice how it feels more relaxed to move in such slow motion. What the mind considers “slow” is a comparison, not a reference point. It may feel abnormal, leading to resistance. The resistance will be felt until detachment occurs through a flood of love. Recognizing. Reflecting…

The cycle of forgetting and remembering

If I forget to detach, I’m unable to connect. If I forget to connect, I am unable to detach. Either both are present (riding on inclusive frequencies) or none (exclusive frequencies). This leads to the illusion of separation. The feelings of staying in an exclusive perspective, believing in separation, are uncomfortable. They remain so only as long as I cling to the feeling of exclusivity. Once I surrender, by realizing this is all self-deception, nothing changes, but the feeling of separation isn’t perceived as uncomfortable anymore.

Surrendering to the illusion

Detaching translates to allowing “the feeling” of separation to be. We know separation is an illusion, but the feeling might still occur. By allowing it to be, we don’t try to remove it, but it might dissolve, or disappear at times, when true non-dual mystical states occur.

The art of slowing down

To stabilize in an aligned state, slowing down helps. We don’t slow down to be slow, but to create room for alignment. Why make it hard when slowing down makes it almost effortless? Giving myself that room translates to choosing Love when there’s a lack of detachment, and choosing detachment when there’s a lack of Love.

The dance of stopping and starting

Detaching is like stopping something, loving is like starting something. I cannot start loving if I’m unable to detach. And I’m unable to love if I’m not detached. So, I’m an expert at crippling myself, even though I have the choice in each moment to simultaneously stop and start something. As nothing ever stays the same, this is happening anyway! We can choose to start resisting or stop resisting, just as we can choose to start loving or stop loving. We need to deceive ourselves first into believing that we are in a dual state, telling ourselves that we only resist unconsciously, not on purpose.

Bridging the Gap

The gap contains the connection because the connection fills the gap.

Recognizing the Self in the mirror

When we unconsciously emphasize the feeling of the gap, by feeding that perspective, we lose the connection and create an illusion of lack (of love). When we forcefully emphasize the feeling of connection, we forget the gap. Both, the gap and the connection, require each other to exist. They are mechanisms of a common source that uses them to project and reflect itself. We are used to believing that we are not responsible for choosing to reflect or project, that we are victims of these phenomena. In projecting, I deny myself the loving reflection that I lovingly present to myself in each moment.

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